Episode 11 (Oct 2021): Emergency! Being Prepared in the New Normal
Dave Lankes & Mike Eisenberg with Beth Patin
Unfortunately, the dire future predictions of crises due to environment and climate change, disease, poverty, and social justice are today’s realities. Across the globe, communities, individuals, and governments are trying to cope with current disasters while putting some plans and infrastructure in place for future catastrophic situations.
This new normal requires communities, individuals, and governments to cope right now while also looking ahead to plan for and create the necessary infrastructure and processes (conceptually and physically) to deal with future emergency situations.
Dave and Mike have discussed some of this previously, particularly the existing and potential roles of libraries, librarians, and other information services providers. But it’s time to bring in a true expert. Beth Hereford Patin is an Assistant Professor at the Syracuse University Information School (iSchool). Beth is a leading expert in crisis informatics. She was instrumental in rebuilding in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and studies community resilience and libraries in the United States during disasters.
Listen in to a frank and sometimes scary conversation relevant to everyday people just trying to get by, government and public service officials responsible for dealing with crises, and of course, library & information staff and institutions who provide essential in services and resources.
References & Resources
Special Library Association: John Cotton Dana Award Winner – Jill Hurst-Wahl
Main Topic: A New Normal in Education and Human Services?
Beth Patin https://ischool.syr.edu/beth-patin/
Patin, B. (Oct 22, 2020). “What is essential?: Understanding community resilience and public libraries in the United States during disasters.” Proceedings of the Association of Information Science and Technology, 57:1 e269. https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.269
Craig, Angela. “‘Whatever the Need!’ Says Angela Craig” Libraries Lead in the New Normal podcast, Episode 7, May 12, 2021, https://www.acechicagoevents.com/libraries-lead-episode-7
Cutter, Susan L. and Christina Finch (Feb 19, 2008). “Temporal and spatial changes in social vulnerability to natural hazards,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (NAS), 105 (7) 2301-2306. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0710375105
Geiger, A.W. (August 30, 2017). “Most Americans – especially Millennials – say libraries can help them find reliable, trustworthy information,” PEW Research Center, http://pewrsr.ch/2iIzMof
Raine, Lee (April 8, 2018) The Information Needs of Citizens: Where Libraries Fit In,” PEW Research Center, presentation slides from the Public Library Association 2018 meeting, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/04/09/the-information-needs-of-citizens-where-libraries-fit-in/
Solnit, R. (2009). A paradise built in hell: The extraordinary communities that arise in disasters. New York: Viking.
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. (2010). The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (2nd ed. edition). Random House Publishing Group.
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, June 23). Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:54, October 25, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stafford_Disaster_Relief_and_Emergency_Assistance_Act&oldid=1030052150
Awesome Library Thingy
Dempsey, Lorcan (Jun 18, 2016). “Libraries and the Curse of Knowledge,” https://www.lorcandempsey.net/orweblog/libraries-and-the-curse-of-knowledge/
Savvaki, Efthymios, also listed as Nikoleta Savvaki (11 July 2021). “The Public Library of Veria managed to “deliver” 10 thousand books in the pandemic!” Vogue magazine, Greece. https://vogue-gr.translate.goog/viewpoint/i-dimosia-vivliothiki-tis-veroias-katafere-na-kanei-delivery-10-chiliades-vivlia-mesa-stin-pandimia/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui
Donila, Mike (July 16, 2021) “Help for emergency rent assistance,” Knox TN Today https://www.knoxtntoday.com/help-for-emergency-rent-assistance
Russell, Melanie Vásquez (July 13, 2021) “Knox County Public Library offers rental assistance information sessions,” WATE TV 6, ABC https://www.wate.com/news/local-news/knox-county-public-library-offers-rental-assistance-information-sessions
Barnett, Jessica (Jul 13, 2021) “Tails and tales abound at Ardmore Public Library,” The News Courier (Athens and Limestone County, TN) https://www.enewscourier.com/news/local_news/tails-and-tales-abound-at-ardmore-public-library/article_f081979c-e36a-11eb-b3b0-8f859e3e71bf.html
Kowarski, Ilana. (June 21, 2021) “Library Science and How to Become a Librarian” US News & World Report. https://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/what-library-science-is-and-how-to-become-a-librarian
Filed under: Dr. Beth Patin, Dr. Dave Lankes, Dr. Mike Eisenberg, Season 1