Episode 15 (Feb 2022): Life, the Universe and Everything Social Media
Beth Patin, Dave Lankes, & Mike Eisenberg
This is the first of a series of episodes about the phenomenon of social media. Social media dominates and affects almost all aspect of life and society, sometimes purposefully and often not. In the series, we hope to inform as well as identify some recommended good practices, and to discuss how libraries can and are helping people to engage effectively and safely. Here in episode 15 we will take a broad view of social media highlighting some of the nuts and bolts, the “why” of social media, and to begin to discuss the impact and issues.
References & Resources
Main Topic
Oremus, Will, Alcantara, Chris, Merrill, Jeremy B., and Galocha, Artur (2021, Oct 26). “How Facebook shapes your feed,” The Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2021/how-facebook-algorithm-works/
Vidal, Juan (2020, June 6) “Your Bookshelf May Be Part Of The Problem,” NPR https://www.npr.org/2020/06/06/870910728/your-bookshelf-may-be-part-of-the-problem
Barlow, John Perry. (February 8, 1996) “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace,” Electronic Frontier Foundation. https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence
Library Think Tank #ALATT Facebook Group (2022) https://www.facebook.com/groups/ALAthinkTANK/
Hutchinson, Andrew (2021, Oct 26). “Twitter Rises to 211 Million Active Users, Though Longer Term Growth Targets Looking Harder to Reach,” Social Media Today, https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-rises-to-211-million-active-users-though-longer-term-growth-target/608958/
Awesome Library Thingy
Williams, Jessica (2021, Dec 11). “Voters renew property tax for New Orleans Public Library system,” NOLA.COM , https://www.nola.com/news/politics/article_32463e64-59f2-11ec-a751-a3be531b61e0.html
EveryLibrary: www.EveryLibrary.org
Blassingame, Haili, Producer (Dec 7, 2021).”The Future of the Public Library,” with Melanie Huggins, John Bracken, and Brewster Kahle. 1A Podcast, https://the1a.org/segments/the-future-of-the-public-library/ WAMU 88.5, American University Radio. NPR.
Hartel, J. (2021, December 9). “A holiday gift to information science. Information Matters.” https://informationmatters.org/2021/12/a-holiday-gift-to-information-science/
Hartel, J. (2021 – present) INFideos, INFormation Science + vIDEOS YouTube channel (formerly Bibbleium) https://www.youtube.com/c/INFideos
Filed under: Dr. Beth Patin, Dr. Dave Lankes, Dr. Mike Eisenberg, Season 2