Episode 17 (April 2022): Video Sharing & So Much More
Beth Patin, Dave Lankes, & Mike Eisenberg
YouTube has more than 2 billion active users collectively viewing over 5 billion videos totaling a combined 1 billion hours of video viewing every day!! Tik Tok is the new kid on the block, just 4 years old worldwide, and already with over 1 billion active users watching 167 million videos every minute! These two entities wield tremendous influence across every demographic. Clearly more than benign video sharing platforms, they are mass media publishers, social media exchanges, and content creation streaming services. What’s the scoop? Are they valuable and helpful services or is there a darker side? Let’s find out.
References & Resources
Main Topic
GMI Blogger (Jan 3, 2022) “YOUTUBE USER STATISTICS 2022,”Global Media Insight (GMI). https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/youtube-users
Lyons, Kim (27 September 2021). “TikTok says it has passed 1 billion users.” The Verge. Retrieved 20 October 2021. https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/27/22696281/tiktok-1-billion-users
Tanzi, Nick (September 15, 2021) “Using TikTok in the Library: A Resource List,” The Digital Librarian https://the-digital-librarian.com/2021/09/15/using-tiktok-in-the-library-a-resource-list
Geyser, Werner (February 15, 2022) “TikTok Statistics – Revenue, Users & Engagement Stats (2022).” Influencer Marketing Hub, https://influencermarketinghub.com/tiktok-stats/
Jensen, Kelly (Aug 11, 2020). “What Makes These Librarians TikTok?” School Library Journal. https://www.scisdata.com/connections/issue-115/tiktok-and-libraries-a-powerful-partnership/
The Future of Media Project (May 2021), “Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership,” Harvard University. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership
Librarians Do Gaga (May 27, 2010), Students from the University of Washington Information School. over 1 million views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_uzUh1VT98
Patin, Beth et al. (2021) “The Mis-Education of the Librarian: Addressing curricular injustice in the LIS classroom through social justice pedagogy,” Social Justice Design and Implementation in Library and Information Science, Routledge. eBook ISBN9781003129219
Woodson, Carter G. (1933) The Mis-Education of the Negro. The Associated Publishers
Rocket City Civil Rights Initiative (2022) “Dedicated To Uncovering & Presenting The Untold Civil Rights History of Huntsville, AL,” https://rocketcitycivilrights.omeka.net/
Roose, Kevin (April 16, 2020) “Welcome to the ‘Rabbit Hole, ‘Podcast,” New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/16/technology/rabbit-hole-podcast-kevin-roose.html
Roose, Kevin (2020) “Rabbit Hole Podcast,” New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/column/rabbit-hole
Hixenbaugh, Mike (Feb. 1, 2022, Updated Feb. 2, 2022, 11:56 AM EST) “Banned: Books on race and sexuality are disappearing from Texas schools in record numbers,” NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-books-race-sexuality-schools-rcna13886
Awesome Library Thingy
Parks, Casey (January 29, 2022) “Public libraries across the U.S. are taking note of this Richmond-area branch’s parent-and-child-friendly design,“ Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/01/29/richmond-library-parent-child-design/
Austin (Texas) Public Library. https://library.austintexas.gov/ accessed 2022.
Lukpat, Alyssa (Feb. 1, 2022) “An 8-Year-Old Wrote a Book and Hid It on a Library Shelf. It’s a Hit,” New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/01/books/crismis-book-school-library.html
Filed under: Dr. Beth Patin, Dr. Dave Lankes, Dr. Mike Eisenberg, Season 2