Episode 23 (March 2023) March Info Madness – Sports, Information, and Libraries
Beth Patin & Mike Eisenberg
While Dave’s away (in Ireland), Beth & Mike will play!!
It’s March Madness, and we both readily admit it – we are sports junkies. We are VERY dedicated fans taking our teams’ successes (or lack thereof) way too seriously. But we also enjoy looking at sports through our “information-colored” glasses. Sport has always been an information as well as physical contest, and it’s even more so today. We have Moneyball-type data analytics across sports in team building, strategy, video analysis in training and playing, (for better or worse) and pro and college teams use super powerful information processing tools. This has transformed almost all aspects of player and team development, planning and strategy, real-time decision-making, and the fan experience. So, listen in as Beth and Mike explore the all things information (e.g., information gathering, processing, analysis, evaluation, planning) in relation to preparing for, playing, and enjoying all kinds of sports.
References & Resources
U.S. Space & Rocket Center Archives (2023). Space and Rocket Center https://www.rocketcenter.com/archives
William Hampton and the Front Porch Experience. Huntsville Revisited https://www.facebook.com/HuntsvilleRevisited/
Calhoun Community College (2023). Center for Southern Political Culture https://catalog.calhoun.edu/library-services Note: there isn’t a direct link to this collection, but here’s a link to the library
Hereford, Dr. Sonnie III (Feb 23, 2022). A Civil Rights Journey. Rocket City Civil Rights. 1999 DVD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGKktDpujEs
Negussie, Tesfaye and Ahmed, Rahma (February 6, 2023). “Florida schools directed to cover or remove classroom books that are not vetted, ABC News, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/florida-schools-directed-cover-remove-classroom-books-vetted/story?id=96884323
Santiago, Leyla and Forrest, Jack Forrest (January 25, 2023). “Florida school district begins ‘cataloging’ books to comply with DeSantis-backed law,” CNN https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/25/politics/florida-school-library-books-law-desantis/index.html
Main Topic
eSports Gaming Certificate (2023) A professional certificate in esports, Syracuse University
Esports at the Barnes Center and the Library, Syracuse University https://experience.syracuse.edu/bewell/recreation/esports/
The library offers console and computer games as well as virtual reality simulators like budget cuts and job simulators!
Awesome Library Thingy
Crime in Sports (2023) podcast. https://shutupandgivememurder.com/crimeinsports . Beth got into this podcast through Smalltown Murders and they referred to their other podcast and it really makes me giggle. Two comedians talking their way through sports and the crimes our favorite, and not so favorite, athletes commit.
Hancock, Peter (March 23, 2023). “Illinois House passes bill that prohibits book bans at libraries or risk losing grants,” Belleville News-Democrat, https://www.bnd.com/news/state/illinois/article273495015.html#storylink=cpy
EBSCOhost (Feb 27, 2023) “EBSCOhost Passport Browser Extension,” EBSCO Information Services,
https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/EBSCOhost-Passport-Browser-Extension?language=en _US
Chrome (2023) Ebsco extension, Google. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ebscohost/ealmaljigpdcacgahifnonddimlaaeef
Filed under: Dr. Beth Patin, Dr. Dave Lankes, Dr. Mike Eisenberg, Season 3