We are educators, so naturally we all believe deeply in the value of learning at all stages of life. We advocate for “education” as an answer to many if not most issues people face. In this episode we delve into the nature of education as well as the various means to gaining desired knowledge and skills.
We’re back and where do we begin? Beth, Dave and Mike return to the podcast microphones after a summer break from recording, but certainly not a break from incredible developments in the library, information, and technology worlds.
Join us as we talk about aspirations and approaches for higher education in order to expand access and opportunities so that students can gain knowledge, skills, and perspectives relevant to life today and in the future.
The three of us are proud academics. While we come from very different backgrounds, we are all examples of the power of higher education to change lives. Furthermore, each of us has dedicated our lives to “paying it forward” through teaching, mentoring, research, and professional practice.
What is going on in this world? Librarians in the crosshairs! Book censorship and actual book burnings! Heavy-handed government control of schools, curriculum, higher education, libraries! Handmaid’s Tale-like nightmare in terms of women’s rights! Climate catastrophes! War in Ukraine. Strife - hatred - violence! WTF?????
In this episode we question the reality and nature of an emerging new normal in education on all levels as well as in other human services workplaces such as healthcare, medicine, and libraries along with our new permanent tri-host, Beth Patin, assistant professor at the Syracuse University iSchool.
Unfortunately, the dire future predictions of crises due to environment and climate change, disease, poverty, and social justice are today’s realities. This new normal requires communities, individuals, and governments to cope right now while also looking ahead to plan for and create the necessary infrastructure and processes to deal with future emergency situations.
In this episode, Mike and Dave start with a brief exchange on the changing nature of work and the need to help low-wage earners find out about high demand jobs, requirements, and opportunities for getting access to quality training.
In this episode, Mike and Dave start with a brief exchange on the changing nature of work and the need to help low-wage earners find out about high demand jobs, requirements, and opportunities for getting access to quality training.
It pretty much happened overnight: schools are closed, kids are home, teaching and learning are online, parents are responsible for coordinating it all. While every aspect of life has been affected by the pandemic, no sector has been more quickly and more significantly by the pandemic than education – on all levels.