TikTok! Used regularly by over half the US population, why do so many either love or loathe TikTok? Is it simply a fun and terrific platform for creating, sharing, and consuming content? Is it an addictive, mental health hazard destroying America’s youth? Is it a major national security threat of Chinese infiltration? Is it all of the above…and more?
What does the meltdown at Twitter mean? Is there something more meaningful, valuable, and humane to replace it -perhaps a trustworthy, digital platform for the exchange of information and ideas moderated for credibility and trust? What's a reasonable stance for librarians in the face of free speech versus responsible speech? Let’s talk.
YouTube and TikTok wield tremendous influence across every demographic. Clearly more than benign video sharing platforms, they are mass media publishers, social media exchanges, and content creation streaming services. What’s the scoop? Are they valuable and helpful services or is there a darker side? Let’s find out.
This episode continues our conversation about social media. We zero in on the 800 lb gorilla – make that the 1.6 BILLION LB gorilla that dominates social media, FACEBOOK. That’s 1.6 billion because over 1.6 BILLION people (on average) visit Facebook every day. Listen in as we unravel this information age phenomenon.
Social media dominates and affects almost all aspect of life and society, sometimes purposefully and often not. In this series about social media, we hope to inform as well as identify some recommended good practices, and to discuss how libraries can and are helping people to engage effectively and safely.