Episode 27 (Nov 2023) EDUCATION IS THE ANSWER! Now, what was the question?
Beth Patin, Dave Lankes & Mike Eisenberg
We are educators, so naturally we all believe deeply in the value of learning at all stages of life. We advocate for “education” as an answer to many if not most questions, problems, concerns, and issues that people face individually and collectively. But, let’s get more specific about what this really means today and tomorrow specifically in library and information science education, in formal school settings, and even more broadly in society. In this episode we delve into the nature of education as well as the various means to gaining desired knowledge and skills.
This episode also includes, in addition to our Main Topic, our other regular features:
- Wazzup?
- AI Watch
- Awesome Library Thingy
References & Resources
Association for Library and Information Science Education, ALISE 2023. “Award Winners” See ALISE Excellence in Teaching Award, Early Career: Beth Patin and ALISE Best Conference Paper Award: Tyler Youngman, Sarah Appedu, Jasmina Tacheva and Beth Patin, Syracuse University “Flashing the Hazard Lights: Interrogating Discourses of Disruptive Algorithmic Technologies in LIS Education” https://ali.memberclicks.net/alise-awards-2023
Stephen Straus, Co-Founder & Managing Director, KungFu.AI https://www.kungfu.ai/person/stephen-straus
AI Watch
DeGeurin, Mack (October 25, 2023). “Wartime Deepfakes Really Are Blurring Reality, First Major Study Finds,” GIZMODO, https://gizmodo.com/consequences-of-wartime-deepfakes-major-academic-study-1850959388
Wartime Deepfakes Really Are Blurring Reality, First Major Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/consequences-of-wartime-deepfakes-major-academic-study-1850959388
A first-of-its-kind study into wartime deepfakes shows social media users quickly labeled real media as digitally altered when they didn’t agree with it.
Zakrzewski, Cat, Lima, Cristiano, Pager, Tyler (Oct 25, 2023) “White House to Unveil Sweeping AI Executive Order Next Week, Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/10/25/artificial-intelligence-executive-order-biden/
Heikkilä, Melissa (Oct 23, 2023). “This New Data Poisoning Tool Lets Artists Fight Back Against Generative AI,”. MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/23/1082189/data-poisoning-artists-fight-generative-ai/
University at Albany, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity (2023). https://www.albany.edu/cehc
Diaz, Maria, (Sept. 29, 2023) “ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat vs. Google Bard: Which is the best AI chatbot?” MSN https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/chatgpt-unveils-web-browsing-capability-leveling-the-playing-field-with-google-bard/ar-AA1iHMoq
Rogers, Reece (Oct 25, 2023). “How to Use ChatGPT’s ‘Browse With Bing’ Tool—Plus 6 Starter Prompts, WIRED
Vivian Chávez (2012). Cultural Humility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaSHLbS1V4w (29 minutes)
Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices,” is a 30-minute documentary by San Francisco State professor Vivian Chávez, that mixes poetry with music, interviews, archival footage, and images of community, nature and dance to explain what Cultural Humility is and why we need it. The film describes a set of principles that guide the thinking, behavior and actions of individuals and institutions to positively affect interpersonal relationships as well as systems change. These principles are: Lifelong learning and critical self-reflection, Recognizing and changing power imbalances, and Developing institutional accountability.
“Media Literacy Week” (2023). https://medialiteracyweek.us/about/
Media literacy is the ability to encode and decode the symbols transmitted via media and synthesize, analyze and produce mediated messages.
“Core Principles of Media Literacy,” (May 2023) :https://namle.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/NAMLE-Principles-Final-2.1.jpg
Christopher Columbus. Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus. in Journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyage, 1492-93), and Documents Relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real, edited and translated by Clements R. Markham (London: Hakluyt Society, 1893), 15-193. https://web.as.uky.edu/history/faculty/myrup/his206/Columbus%20-%20Journal%20of%20the%20First%20Voyage.pdf
Hayes, Anne (July 31, 2023). “Court Overturns Judge’s Ruling, Paves the Way for Syracuse to Remove Columbus Statue.” Syracuse.com https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2023/07/court-overturns-judges-ruling-that-syracuse-cannot-remove-columbus-statue.html
Thomson, S. (2018). “Achievement at school and socioeconomic background—an educational perspective.” npj Science Learn 3, 5 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41539-018-0022-0
Boudreaum, Emily (December 3, 2019) “Tracking Achievement and Inequality in U.S. Schools: How educators can use a rich new data tool to broaden their lens on academic performance,” Harvard Graduate School of Education, https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/usable-knowledge/19/12/tracking-achievement-and-inequality-us-schools
Bhatia, Aatish, Miller, Claire Cain (Sep. 11, 2023). “Explore How Income Influences Attendance at 139 Top Colleges,” New York Times, The Upshot. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/11/upshot/college-income-lookup.html?smid=url-share
This is the article with graphs that Mike referred to in the podcast. It clearly shows the “non-level playing field” and income inequities in college attendance.
Awesome Library Thingy
Syracuse University Library (2023) “Open Access at Syracuse University Library,” https://researchguides.library.syr.edu/oa
Open access (OA) refers to the free, immediate, online availability of research outputs such as journal articles or books, combined with the rights to use these outputs fully in the digital environment.
Patin, B, Sebastian, M, Yeon, J, Bertolini, D, Grimm, A. (April 2021) “Interrupting epistemicide: A practical framework for naming, identifying, and ending epistemic injustice in the information professions.” Journal of the Association of Information Science and Technology (JASIST), J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2021; 1– 13. https://surface.syr.edu/istpub/194/
Richland County (South Carolina) Library (2023). Let’s Talk Race Curriculum https://www.richlandlibrary.com/lets-talk-race-curriculum
Designed for libraries, museums, non-profits, educational and community organizations as well as individuals, the Let’s Talk Race Curriculum will provide easy-to-follow and implement resources such as:
- Facilitation Best Practices
- Conversation Guides
- Tool Kit and Library
- Videos
- And more
McFadden, Cynthia (Oct. 26, 2023). “Jennifer Garner talks mission to help Kentucky flood victims TODAY Show, NBC https://www.today.com/video/how-jennifer-garner-is-helping-kids-impacted-by-kentucky-floods-196447301893
Jennifer Garner talks about her mission with Save the Children to help the community in Perry County, Kentucky, still on the road to recovery more than a year after historic flooding. She then surprises students with a donation from Scholastic. NBC’s reports for TODAY on effort to improve the lives school kids impacted by the disaster.
and Virtual Dave’s latest, post-Halloween effort:
Filed under: Dr. Beth Patin, Dr. Dave Lankes, Dr. Mike Eisenberg, Season 3